We need to talk before we NEED to talk!
As well as psychological contribution and comment to reports and published media, Audrey also writes articles on all aspects of wellbeing.
Sometimes expanding on the topics in her book (management, teams, mindfulness, resilience, growth and so on) Audrey also addresses lifestyle topics such as Reality TV, gaslighting (at work and in relationships), and leadership lessons from Star Wars (May the Force be with you!)
All articles include her signature practical tools to try. Simply type your topic into the search function.
Care - to care: Why can't I make changes? It might be because you just don't care enough!!
Before you worry about the finish, at least get to the start
Dealing with emotional neglect with physical/financial abundance
Do leaders REALLY need emotional intelligence?
Why do we "people please" - and how to stop needing to!
Why we need to look below the emotional "top line" and how to do it
We don't need more imagination, we could use more INNOVATION
Charity fundraisers raise more than just money: Five reasons to get involved
"Playing nice": Defensiveness may not be pleasant, but does it always need to be vilified?
"Reading between the lines" can be a very unhelpful element of people pleasing!
I know we all "want to be happy", but try some of the other emotions en route
Psychological growth is more about evolution than revolution. Lessons on retrofitting resilience.
It's NOT always psychological!!
Show me a behaviour that you value, but exhausts you - and I'll show you a wound that needs healing!
Understanding something doesn't need to happen for personal growth - ACT
Red flags: choose to stop before they stop you
Boost your motivation by turning "challenge" into habit-what I've learned from Diabetes UK's #Swim22
Is it time to tweak your values?
Chasing certifications can be a symptom of High/Over achievers...tips to let go (& appreciate you!)