Be A Great Manager Now
(2016, Pearson)
The Leader’s Guide to Mindfulness
(2018, Pearson & FT Publishing)
The Leader’s Guide to Resilience
(2021, Pearson & FT Publishing)
The Leader’s Guide to Wellbeing
(2023, Pearson & FT Publishing)
With the importance of psychological safety and wellbeing for both leader and teams at the fore, Dr Audrey has written four books:

Her “no nonsense” approach accompanying a compendium of practical tools applicable professionally and personally are aimed at getting the best out of yourself and those around you. Her focus on building mental and emotional fortitude also ensures that your ability to thrive is sustainable.
Dr Audrey Tang’s latest book - The Leader’s Guide To Wellbeing - is AVAILABLE NOW
This new book completes the ‘Leader’s Guide To...’ trilogy, and supports wellbeing as a core function of leadership, winning in the Wellness and Wellbeing Category of the Business Book Awards 2024.
Soosalu & Oka talk about "mBraining" - Multiple Brain Intergration Techniques...also known as mBIT. Simply the premise is that one is driven by the instinct of:
The Head: Cognitive perception, Meaning, Thinking / reasoning / planning
The Heart: Emotion, Personal values, Relationships
The Gut: Core identity, Survival and self preservation, Impulse and mobilisation to action
In terms of leadership the Head is expressed through creativity, the Heart compassion and the Gut courage. In an ideal situation, the heart would draw us to what we are passionate about, the head then finds a way to make it work collaboratively and successfully, and the gut makes us brave enough to take the plunge - if we listen to it!
The Leader’s Guide to Wellbeing remembers that through any change it is people that are most valuable – as support, as catalysts, as leaders and team players - but many organisations only care as far as managing a resource. However, when you care because of the human involved, and create and build and grow to nurture and sustain them, you will flourish at every level.
Clear your head, summon your gut, and open your heart – that is the call of the sustainable Leader.

With Foreword by John Goldwyn (CMLI), Snr Vice President, WATG London
Organisational resilience extends beyond competitive advantage. In times of crisis you need to SURVIVE, REBUILD and then THRIVE.
“The Leader’s Guide to Resilience” is your accessible, concise and effective toolkit to build authentic strength as a leader and within your business so you can stay standing in crisis, regroup despite exhaustion, and thrive through competition within an intense, changing and challenging world.
The Leader's Guide to Resilience was awarded "Highly Commended" (2nd place) in category of Leadership at The Business Book Awards, 2022, and won a Firebird Book Award (2021) for Business, Leadership & Motivation. Listen to Audrey’s Interview with Speak Up Talk Radio HERE

If you have purchased The Leader's Guide to Mindfulness and looking for the guided mediations, please follow the link below. Please note, this is a restricted area, and the password to access it can be found in the book.
by Audrey Tang (Pearson and the Financial Times Series).
A highly practical guide which cuts through the "academic arguments" to give you and your orgnisation applied mindfulness techniques for high performance in all areas of leadership.
The Leader's Guide to Mindfulness is a practical approach to high performance applying the techniques of mindfulness directly to the workplace. As well as demonstrating how simple practices can yeild powerful results in skills such as decision making and problem solving, creativity and innovation, communication and relationships developing the breadth and acuity of the leader's abilities rather than giving them "yet another thing to do" - it offers respite and reflection within a fast paced world.
The book is written for the busy professional with quick exercises - as well as longer activities (including a link to guided meditations and exercises ranging from 1 - 6 minutes in length voiced by the author) to enhace all aspects of their output. As well as offering the theory and research within the field to digest, there is also an "end of chapter toolkit" which can be accessed and implemented quickly to generate results immediately.
Also translated into Spanish
Published in May 2016, securing "Business Book of the Month" in WH Smith Travel, and translated into Russian and Chinese, "Be A Great Manager Now" is full of practical tips and support for the new manager.
With the unique 2-in-1 approach, you can learn your way. Use the seven Speed Read tips immediately, then take your time exploring the Big Picture chapters:
Understand how to be a great manager − quickly
Effectively manage the issues that teams face
Communicate with confidence and get the right message across
Encourage your staff for exceptional performance and professional development
Action the practical tips to become a more effective manager in an instant, and savour the deeper knowledge in your own time to ensure long-lasting results. Be A Great Manager Now is the flagship of Pearson’s “Speed Read” series

Articles that Dr Audrey Tang has written or contributed to are listed below. Please click on the links to read them (opens in new window)
Managing emotions at work (Training Zone)
Crisis Fatigue (Happiful)
The Benefits of Introversion (Happiful)
The signs of Loneliness (Luxurious Magazine)
The Consequences of Overnight Fame (Daily Mail)
Love Island and Healthy Relationships (Daily Mail)
Causes of Communication Breakdown (The Metro)
6 Habits to Live Your Best Life (The Metro)

Audrey also contributes to journal articles and academic conferences in the areas of Leadership, Teams and Wellbeing.
Pandemic Brain: Easing the mental fog by
building. resilience and reaping the benefits
Lessons from COVID-19 and a resilience model for Higher Education:
Lessons in Higher Education from Covid-19:
Unleashing the power of Experiential Learning:
Coaching emotion: The use of coaching as a management
technique to support the emotional labour of new teachers
Note that some papers may be restricted to journal subscribers only.